Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A friend of mine from The Ivory Coast, was telling me about how it took him time to adjust to people being friendly for no apparent reason when he went on holiday to France.

Walking down the street people would just smile, wave and say hello. If you are coming from New York, that whole concept can be unsettling.
New Yorkers are cool people, anyone who has ever been here will testify to the fact. If you are lost, etc people will go out of their way to show you how to get from point A to B (Thing is In New York, you have to pass through points, D, E, and Q when you are trying to get from A to B).
People here do their own thing, so no one will just smile at you for no apparent reason while you are walking down the street. Or just start a random friendly conversation with you. The only people that do that here are crazy or from out of town. In most cases its crazy people from out of town*

Today, A lil girl came to my Job with her mom, she might have been 5. we had some balloons up on a display, she asked me for one. So i cut one down for her, a few minutes later she came to my desk and gave me a piece of candy. Kind of as a thank you for the balloon. I was touched. It was an effortless action from me, but impacted her enough to make her want to share her candy.

Maybe people should smile more often at strangers, who knows.

* Id also like to note that New Yorkers, think anyone from out of town is Crazy! Probably because they try and start random conversations with you.

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