Thursday, July 26, 2007


In a drunken moment of clarity the Tung thinking to himself, in a crowded bar realized a few things. Among them, The Tung is a savage in pursuit of happiness *, Violet Moyo has disabled the Tung's ability to take Justin Timberlake’s song Sexy back seriously.

Coors Light on an empty stomach can be intoxicating, The Tung is apparently, actually not a "scrub" but officially and more politically correct "A Designated Drinker".

Most importantly, the Tung heard Prince's song "Cream" and the whole thing suddenly made sense. Like how could I have not caught the underlying meaning behind the song??? How the hell did I spend the last decade or two thinking he was talking about milk????

* Don’t ask

Monday, July 9, 2007

When I grow up…. Or go on vacation.

I just wana chill.

A little known family secret is that was when The Tung was but a Wee little lad, His Grade one Teacher Ms Nancy*, asked him to draw what he wanted to be when he grows up, so that it could be put in his schools year book.

Some in his class drew themselves as nurses, policemen, and princesses, one or two weirdo’s drew themselves as witches. Having limited drawing abilities and a lack of an imagination**, The Tung decided to draw what he always Drew…..a car.

It’s been Twenty or so years since and with a little therapy, I think It’s now safe to say, The Tung No longer want’s to be a car. I saw an episode of Knight Rider recently and was not impressed by KIT, and parking in my neighborhood. Is a nightmare. / ticket in waiting. Instead, the Tung has decided he want’s to be like this guy that hangs out in his local Starbucks.

The guy dresses like he is on the runway, or a music video, and stands out cus he is black. Thing is he is always posing, like he is having his picture taken. Sometimes, he is standing outside starbucks smoking a cigarette, some times, he is sitting inside posing, I guess that would be cool if he had a laptop with him, or better yet reading something. He is always there, just chilling, posing. I see him on my morning starbucks run. I see him, on my mid afternoon Starbucks run. Thing is I always see him, and I don’t do starbucks that much nowadays cus it’s hot right now, but everytime I go I see him. I think he spends more time there than the people that work there. My current theory right now is that he has no air conditioning at home.

It just amazes me how this guy apparently doesn’t have a life! He just gets up in the morning and goes to chill in Starbucks all-day.

This is why black people get a bad rap.

I conclusion I also wana chill all-day too!!!***.

And steal glasses by night.

* My first crush

** AS you can see by this blog

*** This is not to say, that I do not currently dress up in my suit and tie go to work, and just pose like I am being productive, all day.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Someone really needs to explain to me why the hell I am up in the middle of the night, listning to Fergie*

* might explain why I am single again, I really need to rethink this whole life thing…


Initially being a momma’s boy, I was anti Hip-hop. When my older brothers where bumping KRS-1 and EPMD, I used to hate that stuff. But I Knew it and I knew the words. Used to spend Saturdays learning Kid-N-Play Dance moves with my cousins. But it was just something we did. It’s not like I loved it back then.

I guess I Was more into Whitney Houston, and Dolly Parton*, back then.

Then in 94 The Keith Murray album dropped, I think my older sister had the TLC album (the first one) on one side of the tape, and the other side had the Keith Murray album, “The Most Beautifulist thing in this world”. And we had this really hi-tech stereo system that could play a tape and when the one side finished it would automatically play what was on the other side of the album, so one weekend while my sis was cooking dinner, I was lying in bed sick, it automatically switched to the other side of the tape. So I listened, and this dude (keith Murray) had some mad lyrical stuff, with ridiculous vocabulary on it. I was vexed, intrigued, and captivated**!!! Then the song that got me was when he was rapping about going to NASA, stealing a space ship, redefined gravity, flew to mars, met some Martians, smoked with them and came back to Earth.

I guess it might have been the cough syrup, but it was the first time, I got into the whole music thing. Like really into it. Next thing you know I am spending my free time, with a pad and pen sitting by the radio, trying to write down the lyrics.

Stop, pause write, rewind, listen, pause, write down the words, rewind pause, fix broken tape from all the pausing and rewinding, listen to see if I got it, then have arguments with my brothers about whether he was saying “think think think” or “blink blink blink”,

More than a decade later, I guess its not cough syrup anymore, and thankfully not the “blunts”, but a glass of something, a dark room, some headphones, and this cool ass thing called the world wide interweb***, where I can just Google the words (or write some nonsense for people without lives to read). Basically not much has changed.

I guess the music will always be my true love, will always be there for me.

* Moms stuff

** Much like how you guys with nothing else better to do feel when u read my amazing

Nonsensical blog.

*** You might have heard of it

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The truth has not been very popular lately!!!!

Well for those of you that read this thing...

I'm gona break it down.

Tung = Energy = mc2

also, I got tagged, by RU....

so a few true things about me....
1 I honestly believe Whitney Houston will make a huge come back
2 I used to think Mr “T” was cool
3 I used to think there where little men in the TV screen
4 I recently discovered you can have a Grande Coffee in a Venti cup*
5 I still think Mr T is cool….
6 I have no idea which side of the bed I like better**
7 I believe OJ did it

Now that I Have said some things about me, apparently I have to tag some People too…. Get Tu know more about them, but all of my friends don’t have a life***

Also I have to name them,
Pinkaling, Nya, G, ice, Tjitji, Puwai, Vim, Ten DAwg!

And post the rules
• We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
• Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
• People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
• At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
• Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

* Apparently it’s a trade secret that even a girlfriend that works at starbucks won’t tell you! If you get a medium coffee and put in a large cup, you won’t have to spill any coffee out cus, you will have the space, for milk, etc....
** Long story
*** That’s why they are my friends.