Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Note To Self

Don't quit ur Job untill you are sure you have won the Lotto.


  1. Don't quit the blog! I enjoy reading your rantings...
    Do you remember that you sent me the file " The Revolution will not be televised?", well it turns out that this was a coincidence considering I feel pretty revolting right about now...no I mean I feel as If I want to partake of a revolution.
    It's time I had a cause that I could stick through, see through...something I could believe in, live for that is outside of my self, outside of my own aspirations. Maybe revolting is not what I want to perhaps, I simply want to champion causes and help people.
    I suppose that will require fighting for change in policies, ideologies, belief in order to create the momentum for a movement that is moving in the right no "left" direction. Okay, we need a revolution...I've decided...TenDawg

  2. Tendai.

    Id love to see you start blogging again! Really. I think you write well! And Id be on there everyday!

    I wana do something.

    I met a prominent zimbabwean politician in Boston once.

    we debated, argued, I felt enlightend and inspired.

    Then her pulled me aside and said....
    "Takavarasha tanga wachengeta vanhu vako vekwa Takavarasha"

    What do u Think?

  3. so are you sure you have not won, or are you trying to throw us off the scent?
