Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Im famous online

I am continuing with the whole Oliver mapfumo thing, On Facebook.

Been looking up friends, sending them invites, with very personal messages attached.


Hey Nzido,

Been a long time, I remember when you had six run's in six over’s back in form 2, I hope things are good, and hope your mother has stopped giving you shady haircuts...

First of all Nzido, is a nickname that only a close friend would know, the crack about high school and miscellaneous items like that would be enough for you to think this person knows who you are. Unfortunately, no one is accepting my friend requests.

Apart from my Friendster antics (or was that Facebook?), im in a good mood, I figured out how to remove that annoying message at the bottom of my emails that say "sent from my blackberry". Contrary to popular belief, I am not actually trying to let people know I’m emailing from my phone.

I also changed my picture on my msn messenger; I’ve had enough of the craks about my chicken picture*.....

* The one up there


  1. yeah as long as it's not that monkey pic again!

  2. It wasnt just a monkey it was an evil monkey!!!!
