Saturday, February 17, 2007

Relatively Good Day

I haven’t laughed as hard watching TV as much as I have in a while through tonight’s all star NBA activities.

I think there was a time in my life when I would have been mad. Mad if I wasn’t in the club on a Saturday Night. Mad that I wouldn’t be a part of the storytelling at the basketball courts on Sunday afternoon. Or storytelling at break time on Monday at school.
Nowadays I am mad when I am forced to go to the club on a Saturday Night.

Looking back, I think I was mostly mad at my Dad at the time*. Actually to be fair he did not restrict us from going out**

Parents are devious people tho! I was given a certain amount of freedom through my teenage years. Nowadays because of that I am not wiling out (Unless I am operating in super hero Mode) or as easily fascinated by happy hours like most people my age.

Me and my original Co-Defendant*** still went out tho. This was a really really long time ago and she is married now. Just like pretty much every1 else I grew up with!

I am not knocking going out to the club. Here and there I like getting my GQ fresh on and dancing. I just feel like I have done my tour of duty. I would rather go to a bar or lounge with live music or dinner with friends. I have mad respect for dudes I see in the club when I do go that are in their 40’s and 50’s.

I want to do it, but I agree with one of my best friends who is a professional Athlete****,
Who when we where talking about the whole clubbing phenomenon was like I dnt have enough energy to go out that often.

I’m not just about to settle down. But more often than not I would rather stay at home and read the odd Terry Pratchett novel, than go out. I just got, “Battle Field Earth” by L. Ron Hubbard, so that’s what I am doing tonight. Even when I do have a Girlfriend I dnt have much time to me, so I am enjoying time like this.

* My only source of Income
** Just Wouldn’t give us money to go out.
*** My older sister
**** Yes Yes I know how many people does the Tung knw that are professional athletes? Why not just Mention his name???


  1. don't tell me you're becoming a Scientologist! the only Ron L Hubbard book i bought was because they wouldn't get off my case. they stand in the street basically forcing you to speak to them about yourself and selling you Scientology books about supressors, making you paranoid about everyone around you! dude i could write a blog about this but i won't lest i'm assassinated (yeah not killed, I'm Amy the Great ka!!) by Tom Cruise wanna be's. I want my money back!

  2. Religions aside. L Ron Hubbard, is still a legendary author. I think that "Battle Field Earth" is one of those books you have to read at some point, in ur life.

    Much like "Tunzi the Faithful shadow".

    Next on my list of classic science fiction works, is "Dune".

  3. Man, I'm glad I'm not alone on the whole just wanting to chill on a Saturday night feeling. I have never felt older than I do being a teacher. I mean it's lights out at 8:30 pm on a weeknight and that means feeling way old when friends drag me out of the crib to go drinking on a Friday or Saturday night.

    Anyway, as good as you think that book was, did you see that movie? I don't think I have ever seen a movie as horrible as that one. Man!!! That is 2 hours of my life I will never get back. L. Ron Hubbard needs to send an alien down from whatever planet these scientologists come from and stop time to repay me for that garbage-ass movie!

    But nonetheless, I'm feeling this post.

  4. Hey!

    I never said the book was good!

    I am just saying i think it needs to be read. Then i can make my own conclusions, afterwards.
