Sunday, April 18, 2010

commercial break

Commercial break…

Apart from the woman I love… A few friends and family.. Most of what my life encompasses feels like a commercial break.

It’s a loooooooong commercial break… It pays the bills, keeps me socially relevant.
I like the English accented Gecko, The house made of Bud Lights (ahhhh, just the commercial! not the beer!), The commercial rivalry (this company vs. that)..
It’s not why we tune in tho, I tune in for the main show! The commercials are a distraction, sometimes we don’t remember the show, but remember the commercials….

It’s supposed to be the story of a life! My Movie, My Life, not one dictated by a commercial interest!
The main love interest (who will inevitably play hard to get, even though she should know I love her-à but I digress), Naturally there should be a few things that get me down.. an enemy here or there, getting overcharged by an insurance company that endorses a gecko, missing work cus I was hanging out at a house built out of bud lights… Things I will overcome (hopefully), .. Might be a feel good movie, maybe not.! Either way its my story! The Commercials keep on getting in the way though… (The cash for gold, the debt relief commercials).

I think my parents spent a lot of money on the production of this flick, the best producers, locations in (Africa/Europe/US) Granted It’s not a big budget flick (by American standards), It’s supposed to be a well produced/directed flick (think slum dog millionaire- well maybe not but u get what I’m saying).

So far the protagonist (me) has been surrounded by a wealth of talent and opportunity,and has failed to capitalize… The protagonist gets lost at times, discouraged and has made some extremly bad decisions….

It’s one of those stories, where you sort of know the protagonist will pull through and win in the end. (Although he doesn’t show it), the people that know him know that sooner or later he will win! Because he feels he is here to win!

YOU want him to win!!

He is you're guy, the underdog!

The commercial's are about to end...

let's all watch this story...

who knows how it will end.

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