Thursday, January 24, 2008

Been troubled lately.

Oprah knows I planned to take over the world, sometime this month, then she had to go out there and Endorse Obama. Here I was thinking me and her had a thing going on…

But I see what happened, it’s not about Obama, Its all about ME and her just playing hard to get!*. I mean what has Obama got that I aint got??

Have had enough decided to go ahead and start wooing Hillary through 2008*. What's Bill Got that I aint got?

* That and all my un replied emails, phone calls, and retraining order

Friday, January 4, 2008

So I have some salad in my fridge*…

Surprisingly I am the one that bought it, I open the fridge when I go looking for beer. The salad looks at me I look at the salad. Damn thing was bought this time last year (resolution time).

It's jus been looking at me through 2007, and I look back. Hopefully it will just leave one day**

* Initially I had written “a salad”, had to change that, figured someone might think I was talking bout one of my friends.

** Along with all the bills I refused to pay last year

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Two circles????

Two thousand and eight…. A lot of symmetry, even numbers. Hopefully there will be not so much confusion this year….

Admittedly Seven is my favorite number, wondering if Tu Thousand and Eight could possibly be any better than Tu…007???? I doubt it. Hopefully, I can duplicate (symmetry) and make it better. Being a Libra (balance), I have a feeling this year will be defining… Well maybe not that, but at least build from the strength of last year….

Circles on top of each other (8...balance); I am excited about the new year, sad to leave the last.


Was never big into stealing shot glasses, so far I have 3, and a glass that has a New York Knicks Logo on it, and to cap it all off….

My Good friend, stole a pitcher of beer for me today!!! Not only did she manage to smuggle out the pitcher but did so with beer still inside it.*.

In short, I have accomplished more so far this year, than i did the whole of the last!

* I would like to note that this was the only way they could get me to leave the bar…..