Saturday, October 27, 2007

I stopped going out!!!

Gna stay at home, save money I have been saying…. “a penny earned is a penny saved!”*

I have to go the club tonight cus its one of my boys birthday, and on Monday night cus “A.P.T” isn’t really a club, and on Wednesday (Halloween)….

I am ignoring phone calls tonight! Only cus I have been preaching about the benefits of not going out**.

* Or something that sounds like that

** Good thing no one reads my blog or Id be screwed

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Just lit my first scented candle of the Season…

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You must not know bout me….

First day back at work, some INTERN (that has never seen me before) steps up to me and asks , “So What’s your name?” Tunga I Reply.”Oh” she says and continues...."how bout I just call you '“T”'.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Start work again on Tuesday.....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jack Bhawa-ring*

Last 24, 24…

Get it???? Get it?????

Last Twenty-Four Hours, being 24?

K so its supposed to be clever cus, there is a show called 24, I am 24 and I am gna be 24 for 24 more hours…..

I know people that read this thing really have no life and all 2 of u are really slow!**

It’s been quite a ride! Made great new Friends! Discovered Sierra Nevada, Got a chance to hang and reaffirm friendships with old friends, Discovered Sierra Nevada on Tap, got to see and hang with so many people! Discovered Sierra Nevada in a 40oz bottle. Met some new people that seriously dislike me… And ohh yeah started wasting space on the World Wide Web with this blog!

Its been lovely, best year ever so far! From what I understand, its only gona get better!

Hopefully I will make the necessary sacrifices this coming year, to make life easier later on…

I love my life, Unfortunatley never got a chance to take over the world in the last 364 days, (always next year right, ehhh Pinky???)…

* The pun with Jack Bauer from the TV show 24 and the coincidental drinking “bhawa- ring” is coincidental
** Once again no offense, to the two of u’s

Rock Star Tung!

Late Saturday Night

Listening to my Beatles greatest hits album! I think music can be depressing….
Music is so powerful!

This is why sometime in the next year I am really going to go ahead and buy that damn acoustic guitar I have been planning to buy for the last year or so!!!!!!

If the Tung cannot take over the world, at least he sure as hell might be able to irritate the hell out of it, with my guitar*.

Yeah I can see it. Never had a guitar lesson in my life. Black hat on the floor, Times Square subway station. I am going to put my laundry change in the hat, play random made up impromptu songs in shona, wearing some stunner sunglasses. Looking like a rock star!

I suspect people will put money in my hat mostly out of guilt cus I am sure they will think, I am a struggling artist. Not because I haven’t been discovered yet, but because I will suck so bad, there is no way in hell I will ever find honest work as a musician. My other theory Is they will just want me to shut up!**

I think I could make mad money doing that!! Then again if I just wore a t-shirt that said “I am From Zimbabwe” on it and just leaned on a wall with a hat on the floor not say a damn thing; I could probably make more money.

* And no, I don’t mean by hitting people with the thing.

** I know I saw that one coming from a mile away too

Saturday, October 13, 2007

FW: the october babies invite you to come and play .....

how have you guys been....

so ,Tendai Vengesa,Tunga, and I are getting older (shoot)
Tendai is comin from out of town to celebrate his gettin older
Tari is turnin 21 people...
(ok.... anyone notice a conspiracy with the" T" names)....

so the October babies would like you to join us in ummmm CELEBRATING our birthdays....

SATURDAY OCTOBER 20th, 2007 at the at WEBSTER HALL ...1030pm

Also please join us at 8pm for a quick bite and a few drinks at one of the little lounges/bars at UNION SQUARE - 14th and Park Ave, NY before we walk down to Websters which is 3 or so blocks away....

On the link above you will also see what Patrick has been tryin to figure out for is a snipet of his email ;
so here is the deal...talked to my girl over at webster hall...probably the best place to throw a party at considering we got pple coming in from out of state and a diverse crew....there is everything for everyone ... reggae..reggaeton...hip u want..watever u wanna party to.....
1) $70 premium open bar from the time we enter (we aint standing in line) to the time they kick us out..we aint leaving before....we partying all night!!!!!!!!
2) $20 reduced entrance to get in before midnight and then u buy your own drinks...before midnight tho....
so l reckon we get there by 11 so we can party hard... aint wasting time....

So yeah ummmm Please RSVP soon to either Patrick or me.....ummmm you are more than welcome to bring anyone ...please forward this email i guess.....

Priscilla 914 310 6910


Travel by Car

From the East side, take the FDR to 14th Street or to Houston Street, Exit, go west to 3rd Avenue(from the north), and turn left (heading South), or Bowery heading north from Houston, go east to 11th Street at the Sony Theater.)

From the West Side take the West Side Highway to 14th St. or West Houston St.-Go East to Third Ave. (Heading South) or Bowery (heading North) To East 11th St.

Travel by Subway

Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left. You can't miss it. There is no thru traffic on 11th St. (Limousine or bus access is available if arranged in advance. Contact 212-353-1600 or by fax 212-614-0420.)


Street parking is limited. Four local garages are:

311 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
$3 off regular rates with proof of Webster Hall admission

115 E. 9th Street (Between 3rd and 4th Ave.)
Below Ground-212-473-9643

Corner of 4th Ave. and 9th Street
Below Ground 212-995-1940

220 E. 9th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Ave)
Inside 212-979-5708

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Thursday, October 4, 2007



Its official, I am officially officially being screwed by my evil landlady.

Rumor has it she is selling the building, not sure, but that may finally explain why she started fixing things around the building. I seriously Dislike the woman, even got a foreign hitman from England to “take care of her”, turns out My hitman liked the woman and hung out with her, had tea and biscuits with her, and looked over old family albums, with her!*

If only someone would drop this apartment building, on her, and leave me a fly pair of Michael Jackson Billie Jean type dancing shoes that I could wear on my way, to find the Wonderful landlord of Oz**,

Dancing Merrily, On the New York pavements, "Flashing Lights" on each concrete yellow slab I step on, singing randomly about denying that I am the father of Billie’s Kid. And my journey to find the Wonderful landlord of OZ.

Actually scratch that thought, a fly pair of Michael Jordan’s***, would work better, and to be Honest having The Wizard of Oz as a landlord might not be ideal, I am trying to pay as much attention to the stuff behind the curtains as possible. I am trying to be careful in my apartment searching, I am gna try and take a look at as many places as possible.

With my luck, my next landlord might turn out to be The Wicked Witch of the West. Hope all plays out well, I have been lucky so far. I don’t like fighting with Landlady’s and the chances of me defeating her would be slim, cus we all know how I feel about bathing and water…..

* You know who u are…….
** And NO, I Don’t mean The Show about Prison..
*** Figured affiliation to the other MJ is not going to help my apartment searching****
**** Ironically someone left someone left some “soul glo” in my apartment