Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Tung has been thinking about Life.

Sometimes He wishes he could rewind time, and just erase the dumb things he says, and does!!

I am pretty sure he also knows that it’s not possible. I think he will compromise with the Universe, and take a little planet called Earth (for now). When He eventually rules all , and someone asks u why the Tung did it, its only cus, he said something wrong to a girl he liked, and decided to take over the planet instead of trying to explain himself (hell of a whole lot easier).

Saturday, September 22, 2007



So …. My roommate has taken a liking to Sierra Nevada….

Just got back home, and there was a 6 pack in the fridge.

I knw I didn’t buy it, shame that our lease is up end of October. Chances are I wont be able to steal beer from my next roommate. Ohhh cruel world!

Been at the current for almost 2 years. And this dude decides to start liking Sierra Nevada now????

Anyway the world is now officially a better place, cus one more person drinks Sierra Nevada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!